Hi All,
Our adventure yesterday to the Hyde Park area in Boise was a blast!!

Little Anthony did come and he was a real trouper. Even let us go to Savers when we got back to Nampa. We caught the 42 bus at Karcher mall at 10:30am and got to 9th and main just in the nick of time to catch the #14 bus to Hyde park.
Here are some of the places we went.

The soda Fountain is in Goody's Candy Store and Soda Fountain. I got an Ice cream cone, I think they said they make their own ice cream, it was coffee flavored with chuncks of coffee beans, fabulous!!
We toured the Gallery at Hyde Park, there is some of the greatest recycled Jewelry in there. Also the paper mache exhibit is really quite fun to see, very colorful. There were pencil drawings I did not quite understand but someone put alot of thought into them.

We also went to the Blue Moon antiques, they had great prices on crazy quilts which I loved but had to resist.
We ate at the Sunray Cafe and had some fabulous veggie sandwich on dark rye and beer cheese soup. You could really taste the beer, again Fabulous.

We then decided it was time to hoof it to the Co-op on 9th and Fort. While we were hoofing it we saw a bus that would be going to the co-op so we ran back for it. Imagine four, not as young as they used to be, ladies and a baby in a stroller runner down the street yelling "wait, wait". It was all very funny and par for the course for yesterday. As the bus started out we realized it was not going straight to the co-op, it was a more scenic route. We finally got there and realized the bus driver was not necessarily stopping so I pulled the cord and we got off. I felt soooo brave. Inside the co-op were all sorts of healthy fare, some I had heard of, some I had not. But my friend Julie was in heaven as she had found some the items she remembered from Africa, where she did some of her growing up, as her folks were missionaries (she's Anthony's mom). Sharon and Laura bought themselves Gelatos and I got myself a coffee with whole milk just like I like it and we stolled around for some time.
It was then time to think about getting back to the bus stop that would take us back to Nampa. We found it was close enough to walk so we did. The trip home was a little longer because of rush hour traffic but there was a very talkative fellow who kept Laura and I entertained, (he seemed to know everyone), so it went fairly fast.
It was a GREAT day and I hope to do it again someday. I would recommend it highly. Now I must get to sanding the next chair, a rocker!!
Bye, Donna
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